UK logo designer – back in the game…

It’s been a VERY long time since I was actively a UK logo designer. This is down to a number of reasons which I’ll get into during this little post. Now though, I’m making logo design a priority for myself and I’m excited about getting back to it!

Logo designer or web designer?

One of the main reasons my attention was drawn away from The Logo Mark was because of the amount of requests I was getting to build websites. These actually started to outnumber the amount of logo design requests I was getting.

As a result of this I decided to form a remote design agency: Foundation. This agency was made up of myself, and a few other freelancers from other design fields I’d worked with previously. The combined experience gave the opportunity to undertake projects that on my own I simply wouldn’t have had the time, or skill, to do.

So over the past couple of years I have spent a lot of my time designing websites, which is something I do love doing…just not quite as much as designing logos.

That other side project…

On top of setting up and running Foundation I also teamed up with a long term client of mine on a new project. John Gallery is a marketing specialist and founder of Great Potential. I’ve worked with John for a number of years creating logos and websites for his clients.

Having worked well together for so long it seemed natural to partner up for a project.


+moregiving is that project. It’s a consultancy and donation portal system for charities to help increase the money they raise online. I’ve been involved with giving the company brand identity an overhaul, as well as designing the new website.

It’s been great fun working closely with other people, and especially ones who are so passionate about what they do. I suppose that’s to be expected when working with those in the charity sector. I’m really excited about the future of this project and I’ll be sure to keep you all updated.

Back to being a logo designer

Although everything is going great with Foundation and +moregiving, I really miss just designing logos. So, I have relaunched The Logo Mark to run as a separate entity which will be just me undertaking logo design projects for any of you lovely people out there. When it comes down to it, in my heart of hearts I really am a logo designer.

It really boils down to nothing more than what makes me happy. Designing logos on a regular basis really does make me happy. I’m hopeful I can start getting a few more enquiries coming in from some new and exciting companies looking to get a nice shiny new logo. So if you happen to know of anyone who might be interested in my services please feel free to direct them here!

About the author

Mark is a freelance logo designer with over a decade of experience designing memorable logos for clients across the UK.

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